Constitution and Bylaws

Constitution and Bylaws

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Article I - Name

Section 1. This body shall be known as the Wesley-JAM (Johnson, Anderson & McGhee) Family Reunion.

Article II - Vision Statement

Section 1. It is our hope to connect ALL descendants of Alfred and Hannah Wesley in order to provide a platform to strengthen our family units, support one another in endeavors or in times of distress, fellowship with one another and to provide heritage information for the membership.

Article III - Mission

Section 1. Our mission is to enrich the lives of those who engage with us throughout all generations of our family: past, present, and future generations to carry on the legacy of our family heritage. We will accomplish this by upholding our values which include faith in God, health, responsibility, hard work and relationships built on trust and solid communication. We will encourage our children to dream big and to pursue those things in life which help build the fruit of the Spirit: “love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.” (Gal 5:22-23)

Article IV - Membership

Section 1. The membership of this Reunion shall be the children, spouses, grandchildren and connections of the ancestors/branches (Alfred and Hannah Wesley) of this family generation.

Section 2. Dues will be collected bi-annually (on years that the Family Reunion does not have a reunion, ex. 2020, 2022, 2024, etc.).

Section 3. Associate Members

Any personal friend associated or connected with a family member may become an associate family member by affiliation, working and supporting the Chapter nearest to your place of residence.

Article V - Reunions

Section 1. This Reunion will meet for a celebration once every two (2) years (odd years) on the weekends. This would be Thursday evening, Friday, Saturday and Sunday morning for a four day event. The goal for the Reunion is to be held the third weekend in July.

Section 2. NO alcoholic beverages shall be served or available at any Family Reunion activities.

Section 3. A registration fee will be assessed by the hosting city in accordance with the accommodations and preparations needed to cover the incurred expense of entertaining the Reunion in its area/locality.

Article VI - Officers

Section 1. The governing body of this Reunion shall be known as the National Executive Board (NEB).

Section 2. The officers of this NEB shall include the following positions:

- President

- Vice President/President-Elect

- Secretary

- Assistant Secretary

- Treasurer

- Communication Coordinator
- Representatives: The goal is to have one representative from each of Alfred and Hannah Wesley’s ten (10) children will serve on the National Executive Board
(Alex, Burl, Ben, Joe, Johnny, Mose, Mack, Clorenda, Leathie, and Emma). These representatives will be selected/elected by each individual family. These representatives will serve on the NEB until they are replaced by the individual families. If an individual family does not select/elect a representative, that position shall remain open until such person is selected/elected by that family.

Section 3. This body shall hold an election of officers every 4 years during its regular scheduled Family Reunion business meeting. The officers will be as follows: President, Vice President, Secretary, and Assistant Secretary.

Section 4. These officers may serve a term of 4 years and may be re-elected to serve no more than 8 years in succession.

Section 5. Persons serving as President of a local chapter should not serve as President of the NEB at the same time.

Section 6. These shall be officers appointed by the NEB: Chaplain, Historian, Parliamentarian, Treasurer, Website Master and Communication Coordinator.

Section 7. Officers will NOT receive income nor have any fees waived for services rendered to the Wesley-JAM Family Reunion.

Section 8. Only members in good standing (current on bi-annual membership dues) shall be eligible for office.

Article - VII Duties

Section 1. National Executive Board (NEB) - It shall be the duty of the NEB to represent the family organization during the interval between bi-annual Reunions/meeting, to determine the order of business and review for compliance of the program for the bi-annual Reunion, to fill official vacancies until the next bi-annual Reunion, appoint Standing and Ad Hoc Committees, as needed, and to perform such other work as may be delegated to the Board by the Wesley-JAM Family Reunion.

Section 2. President - It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all meetings of the Reunion, to preside at all meeting of the NEB, and to exercise general supervision over the Wesley-JAM Family Reunion. It shall be the duty of the President to call special meetings of the NEB, as necessary, for the purpose of carrying on the work of the Reunion during the period between biannual meetings. The President of the NEB shall conduct a business meeting at an appropriate time during the biannual Reunions. The President shall submit to the Wesley-JAM Family Reunion at the bi-annual business meetings a report of all official acts of the NEB, together with any other information and recommendations deemed important.

Section 3. Vice President/President-Elect - It shall be the duty of the Vice President to carry out the policies of the Reunion by developing and administering specific programs that is subject to the approval of the NEB. It shall be the duty of the Vice President to assist and counsel the President on all matters pertaining to the activities of the Reunion. It shall be the duty of the Vice President to act on the behalf of the President in his/her absence.

Section 4. Secretary - It shall be the duty of the Secretary to maintain ALL correspondence of the Reunion; keep current membership records as provided by the Communication Coordinator; record and keep accurate minutes of all meetings of the NEB that are typed and sent to all NEB members no later than one (1) week before the board meets; custodian of all of the Reunion’s records and documents; and custodian of the By-Laws of the Reunion and to act as the initial point of contact for queries to the Reunion. The Secretary will ensure that letters are promptly forwarded to the appropriate members of the NEB for action. The Secretary must have available at all meetings current Bylaws and accurate minutes of all meetings. The Secretary will also perform such other secretarial duties as directed by the President of the NEB.

Section 5. Assistant Secretary - Assume the responsibilities of the Secretary in his/her absence.

Section 6. Communication Coordinator - It shall be the duty of the Communication Coordinator to maintain an up-to-date membership list of the Reunion, which should include a current mailing address, email address and phone numbers. The Communication Coordinator shall ensure that a current membership list is provided to the Secretary on a regular basis. The Communication Coordinator is also responsible for recruiting new members to the Reunion. Assistants may be selected, as necessary, subject to the approval of the National Executive Board, and will be organized as a permanent Membership Committee within the Reunion. This person will also work closely with the Web Master.

Section 7. Treasurer - It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to maintain the financial account of the family Reunion’s annual membership dues, funds that have been turned over from the Reunion host city, and to maintain an accounting of all disbursements made by the NEB. The Treasurer shall make payments for all purchases and services rendered as authorized by the NEB. The Treasurer will present a financial report during the business session of each biennial Reunion and will provide regular reports to the NEB. The Treasurer shall be the custodian of all funds he/she receives; make regular deposits of all monies received; and retain a copy of all deposit slips. All deposits and payments shall be recorded on a computer. The Treasurer must ensure that all reimbursement requests are accompanied by a valid receipt of the expenditure. The NEB may request annual or semi-annual audits of the Reunion’s financial records at any time.

Section 8. Host City Reunion Chairperson - It shall be the duty of the Host City Reunion Chairperson to coordinate the activities surrounding the bi-annual Reunions that may be organized on a local, state or regional basis. The Host City Reunion Chairperson shall have presiding authority over the officers of the hosting city. The Host City Reunion Chairperson shall submit a financial report within 30 days of the Reunion to the NEB. The committee will minimally consist of Chairperson, Co-Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer. Other Ad Hoc committees will be formed as needed by the Host City Reunion Chairperson.

Section 9. Family Historian - It shall be the duty of the Family Historian to maintain a master file of all records of the Family Reunion, including Family Trees, various reports of all Wesley-JAM descendants and their spouses, biographies, photographs, and reference material. It shall be the duty of the Family Historian to supervise and direct the compilation and writing of the biographical records, family histories, and personal histories of Wesley-JAM descendants, and to serve as Senior Editor of any and all genealogical and historical books published by the Family Reunion. Assistants may be selected as necessary, subject to the approval of the NEB, and will be organized as a permanent History Committee within the Wesley-JAM Family Reunion. Any expenses incurred to research, obtain and distribute relative family history information shall be approved and funded by the NEB.

Section 10. Webmaster/Social Networking - It shall be the duty of the Webmaster to maintain the Wesley-JAM Family Reunion Website. The Webmaster shall be responsible for selecting, organizing and editing all material to be posted on the website; receiving and replying to all emails sent through the website; and to maintain and keep current updates on family related events and activities. Assistants may be selected as necessary, subject to the approval of the NEB, and will be organized as a permanent Website Committee within the family Reunion. The Reunion will cover the expense of keeping the website up and running. The Webmaster shall monitor and post relevant Wesley-JAM’s information on social networking websites, such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and etc. The Webmaster will promote the Wesley-JAM Family Reunion in good taste and will closely monitor adverse information on the website. This person will also work closely with the Communication Coordinator.

Section 11: Chaplain - The Chaplain shall give brief words of inspiration/prayer at the regular business meetings and minister to the needs of the membership, as needed.

Article VIII - Quorums

Section 1. General Membership - A quorum of general membership shall consist of a minimum of 50 members at the Family Reunion.

Section 2. National Executive Board - A quorum of the NEB shall consist of five (5) officers.

Article IX - Resignations & Vacancies

Section 1. Resignations-

a. Should a member of the National Executive Board (NEB) no longer be able to fulfill their obligations to the Board, he/she shall submit a letter of resignation to the President.

b. The President shall then forward his/her acceptance of the resignation, along with a copy of the original letter to the Board.
c. If the resigning Board member held the office of Treasurer, acceptance of his/her resignation will be contingent upon a successful audit of the Board’s finances.

d. The resigning Board member shall turn over all records and documents for which he/she was responsible to the President within two weeks of acceptance of his/her resignation.

Section 2. Vacancies-

a. Should a vacancy occur on the Board in the middle of a term, the President shall have the right to fill that vacancy by an appointment. If an officer held a vacant seat, the Board shall vote on the replacement at the next Board meeting or via phone conference, whichever is more prudent.

b. A vacancy in the office of President shall be filled by the Vice President for the remainder of the term.

Article X – Finances

Section 1. All host cities shall provide a written comprehensive detailed report of all financial activities and forward to the NEB no later than 30 days after the Reunion.

Section 2. All Reunion fees will be determined by the host city. Fees will be based on the total estimated expenses divided by estimated attendance. A conservative effort should be made to keep fees at a minimum. Each host city will determine payment options (i.e. money orders, cashier’s checks, personal checks, cash App. PayPal, etc.). The host city shall have the authority to determine policies regarding payment deadlines. Persons responsible for insufficient funds will incur all related bank charges.

Section 3. All excess Reunion funds collected from the Reunion registration/activities fees shall be sent to the NEB Treasurer to be deposited in the National Wesley-JAM account no later than 30 days after the conclusion of the Reunion. The only exception is for host cities that have an established account with a bank.

Section 4. Advance support funds, upon request, will be transferred from the National Wesley-JAM Family Reunion account to the host city up to nine (9) months prior to the upcoming Reunion. Advance support funds received from the National Wesley-JAM account shall be used as start-up money to prevent out-of-pocket expenses for the host city and SHALL BE REIMBURSED TO THE National Wesley-JAM Family Reunion no later than 30 days after the conclusion of the Reunion.

Section 5. The Advance support funds will require approval by the NEB. Funds will be granted (if funds are available) pending a letter of request stating the need for such funds and how the funds will be reimbursed to the National Wesley-JAM Family Reunion.

Section 6. All family members (including officers) MUST pay the Reunion fees in order to attend the Wesley-JAM Family Reunion.

Article XI - Fiscal Policies

Section 1. The fiscal year for the Wesley-JAM Family Reunion shall be January 1st through December 31st.

Article XII - Amendments & Adoption of By-Laws

Section 1. Amendments-

a. These Bylaws may be amended by a majority vote of family members present at the bi-annual business meeting.

b. The proposed amendment changes must be submitted in writing to the NEB’s President at least 30 days prior to the upcoming Reunion.

c. Any member in good standing (up-to-date on family reunion membership dues) of the Wesley-JAM Family Reunion may submit a proposed amendment to the Bylaws.

Section 2. Adoption-

a. The proposed amendment(s) shall be reviewed and receive a quorum vote by the National Executive Board (NEB). If approved, the Board’s President will present the adopted amendment(s) at the Reunion’s business meeting to the family members for Ratification. A majority vote of the family members present is required for ratification.

b. Upon Ratification, the amendment(s) will become effective immediately.

October 26, 2020

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